There are times I am sure my child is trying to summon Dark Forces to kill and/or possess me.
Our kitchen/living room is basically an open floor plan. There is no doorway, just open air from the floor to the vaulted ceiling. You can see from one to the other with no obstruction other than furniture. I can not tell you how many times I’ve turned around from a counter in the kitchen to see Logan staring at me from the living room. And as soon as we make eye contact he will raise either one or both fists and start chanting some baby gibberish in a loud voice.
But I’m not so sure it’s gibberish. The sounds are often guttural, sometimes emphasized, but every piece sounds like it belongs.
A few days ago Logan was in his highchair eating some blueberries. I was next to him, but turned away, cutting up some cheese for him. When I turned back to give him the cheese he threw a fist in the air, tilted his head back, and began excitedly chanting what I am sure was some dark ritual. This went on for maybe 10 seconds. When it was over, he brought his head back down, looked at me, looked at the cheese in my hand, and then reached for his cheese.
I think he is practicing. He hasn’t learned how to fully speak yet, but he’s practicing for when he can, a day he knows is coming. And when that day comes, when he learns the importance of exact vowel and consonants sounds, I have wonder…what will happen to me?