That moment when a video starts autoplaying and it’s LOUD and the WORST MUSIC EVER and you want to shut it off but you have to sneeze and so you know you have to suffer through until you can get done sneezing, blindly searching for a kleenex with your left hand hoping against hope that this is the time that you mange to reach it and avoid blowing snot all over your keyboard while your right hand grips your mouse and tries to find the nearest icon that will kill that horrid sound, a mute button, an X to close the whole fucking window, holy fucking balls you don’t care this music is awful but you’re about to sneeze and your eyes are mostly shut and as you breathe in before the sneeze you can’t hold your mouse hand steady enough to end this shrill bullshit and here comes the sneeze and you feel the kleenex in your left hand and you grab for it like it’s a life preserver in the ocean it and pull it out and head for your nose and you sneeze and then you can finally shut that fucking music OFF.
That moment where the music shuts off.
That moment is bliss.