Month: September 2016

Six TV

Six TV is my favorite new show. I’ve only known about it for a few months, but it is by far my favorite thing I’ve ever watched. At first I was only able to catch it a few times a week, but now it’s just on Fridays at the high risk clinic. It’s in black…

Motherfucker, You Have a Spaceship

There is this thing that happens in video games that pisses me off. Not “I’m about to throw my controller” angry, I was never that guy, but it is irksome nonetheless. This happens in a lot of games where you get a ship or helicopter. We’re gonna go with a spaceship because that’s what my…

Two Weeks

So there is this joke in the technical world I work in that if asked, you should always respond things will be done in two weeks. That conversation goes likes this. Manager: “When will project A be done?” Worker: “Two weeks.” *Two weeks pass* Manager: “You said it would be done in two weeks.” Worker:…

The Kneeling Thing

There is the huge disconnect that makes people believe that just because someone is wealthy that they can in no way be oppressed. Or that they somehow are not allowed to sympathize with others who are because of their personal situation. This is fallacy. The kneeling thing… people are losing their fucking minds over someone…

I Hate Pink Starburst

I hate pink Starburst. If pink Starburst was a person I would wish it got Chlamydia and Shingles and a toothache all at the same time. Red Starburst are good. Orange are better. But yellow…yellow is like a drop of heaven that you can enjoy. At work, at home, in the car, walking around, at…