Category: Dad Stuff

The Price Of What We Do, Missed Bedtimes, & Tongue Tacos

I missed Logan’s bedtime last night. I was off with the chosen family taking care of business and then I was starving so I went to eat with some of them. (I had beef-tongue tacos and they were delicious.) I got home and asked my wife if Logan was asleep. She wasn’t sure, but told…

113 Minutes Last Thursday Morning

AUTHORS NOTE: I have nearly 30 drafts, of varying degrees of quality and completeness, of posts I’ve never published. I uncovered this one a few minutes ago and was pondering the difference between the guy who wrote this and the guy who is about to publish it. Logan turns 2 next week, but this was…

Uh Oh, It’s Magic

For as long as I can remember I have heard people talking about how kids start to mature and develop as they age, they get these little personalities, and they do things that are just unequivocally them. For the past week or two, our boy, who is going on 20 months, has started to exhibit…

The Formula Scoop of Sadness

I’ve been on a cleaning and organizing binge lately. The closet in the living room? It’s clean and useful again, instead of a mass of random shit that got shoved in there. My bedroom closet? Even better, so much more room. The 2 plastic tubs (one large, one small) of Logan’s stuff we kept on…

Six Turns One

Our baby boy turns 1 year old today. And although I know every second of how we got here – I was there after all – but damned if it doesn’t seem like far less time. A year? Didn’t we just bring this little guy home a couple months ago? I remember it well. Going…