Category: Uncategorized


Sid peed in the kitchen while we were at work Monday. This is extremely rare. Usually only when sick, but she seemed fine. Then she did it again Tuesday. I am leaving earlier and Katie is getting home later, plus Sid is 2 months shy of turning 15. Other than the peeing, she is completely…

In Remembrance of When I Could Remember

I turned 42 a few weeks ago. Thanks to popular fiction I assumed I would get the answers to Life, The Universe, And Everything. (If you don’t get that reference, go read a fucking book, you cretin.) Instead, I got a brain that suddenly decided to stop functioning as well as I’d like. Case in…

Nintendo Switch

After pondering on the Nintendo Switch for a few days now…it’s a resounding “meh.” They still aren’t playing the same game as Sony and Microsoft. They just aren’t making products for people like me anymore, haven’t for years now, and I’d be better off if I would just accept that and move on. But I…

Freedom of Speech, Unless….

Everyone wants freedom of speech…until it takes a form they don’t like. Then the person doing the talking is “what’s wrong with America.” Explain to me how that works. If someone is practicing free speech, which is protected by our Constitution, and is otherwise not violating any laws, how are they the thing that is…

Old Blog – Rockwell City

NOTE: This is from an old blog of mine. I am presenting them as is, no updates or changes. In this case, I was angry and chose to refer to police officers as ‘pigs.’ I regret that usage now. This one is from August 2013. Right now I’d rather be in bed, sleeping next to…